DIY Newspaper Planting Pot
Make your own planting pot using just newspaper! Instead of spending money on seed-starter kits or containers that you would have to transport the plant from later, plant your flowers, herbs, and vegetables using this newspaper-planting hack.
Make your own planting pot using just newspaper! Instead of spending money on seed-starter kits or containers that you would have to transport the plant from later, plant your flowers, herbs, and vegetables using this newspaper-planting hack.
Follow these step-by-step directions to make your own eco-friendly planter:
Step 1: Cut a full sheet of newspaper in half (from bottom up) to produce a single rectangular page. Recycle the other half of the paper or use it for your next planter.
Step 2: Fold the sheet in half from top to bottom. It should resemble a square shape now.
Step 3: From left to right, fold the paper in half again, making a crease perpendicular to the previous fold. Do not leave this step folded; it is only necessary to have the crease for later.
Step 4: Now take the bottom left corner of the paper and fold that corner so that it lines up with the crease in the middle of the page. Do the same thing to the bottom right corner. The paper should now have a point facing you and the top flaps facing away from you.
Step 5: Fold the front page of the flap down to meet the previously folded corners. Fold this flap down another time towards yourself.
Step 6: Flip the entire paper over (the point still pointing towards your body) and fold the left side of the paper to meet the middle. Do the same with the right side.
Step 7: Fold the top edge down to meet the middle crease. Do this again. The paper should look like a rectangle sitting on top of an upside down triangle. Unfold the flap you just folded and tuck the top into the pouch that has formed beneath the peak of the triangle. It should now resemble a little hat.
Step 8: Fold the bottom point to the left to meet with the side point. Do not complete the fold throughout the whole paper—make approximately a one-inch crease.
Step 9: Finally, open up the paper. It should look like a little “box.” The last crease you made should make the bottom point easily fold under and allow the box to sit up.
Step 10: Add PittMoss soil into the box and then add your plant to the soil. Using the Mason Jars reCap ADAPTA, water your plant.
Once your plant starts growing and you are ready to plant in your garden or flower bed, you can dig a hole, and insert the entire newspaper pot and plant. The newspaper will biodegrade.