Mason Nebula Jar
This DIY project from MomDot.Com is fun for both kids and adults. It's a simple craft that can also double as a sensory bottle which as excellent for calming down children with sensory needs. Use all non-toxic products so you can have your kids make the Nebula Jar along with you, worry free! We also recommend laying out some newspaper for easy cleanup.
Supplies To Make a Mason Nebula Jar:
- Clean glass jar with lid
- Tempera paints (at least two colors)
- Cotton balls
- Fine glitter
- Water
Step 1: Fill ⅓ of the mason jar with water
Step 2: Add several drops of paint to the jar
Step 3: Put the lid back on the jar and shake the mixture
Step 4: Add about One (1) tsp of fine glitter
Step 5: Pull cotton balls to elongate them
Step 6: Add the stretched out cotton balls into the jar until the bottom third of the jar is full of cotton balls.
Step 7: Repeat steps 1-6 until the jar is full, using a different paint color.
Step 8: Put lid on the jar and enjoy the magic of your Mason Nebula Jar!