Brew Your Own Kombucha in Mason Jars

Brew Your Own Kombucha in Mason Jars

Kombucha is trendy and popping up everywhere. If you drink it regularly, then you know that buying it by the bottle can add up quickly. So, why not make your own?


  • 2-4 tea bags or 1/4 cup loose tea (avoid herbal, infused, & flavored teas)
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 piece of SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast)
  • 1 quart Mason jar
  • 1 coffee filter, paper towel, or tightly woven cloth
  • 1 rubber band or string
  • 1 canning lid and band
  • 3 cups water


  1. Boil water and pour into quart jar.
  2. Stir sugar into water with wooden spoon until dissolved.
  3. Add tea bags/loose tea and let sit for about 15 minutes or until it is cooled to room temperature.
  4. Add a piece of SCOBY
  5. The larger the piece, the faster the fermenting takes place.
  6. Cover jar with coffee filter, paper towel, or tightly woven cloth. Secure with rubber band or string.
  7. Let ferment 7-10 days at room temperature out of direct sunlight.
  8. For flavoring, remove SCOBY, add desired flavoring (juice, fruit, etc), cover with a canning lid/band Let sit for a second fermentation period (7-10 more days).
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